Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Digestive Enzymes

Even before we eat, our body‘s digestive action begins to take place. Simply smelling food activates our salivary glands ("mouth watering"). As the food enters the stomach, the stomach acid and pepsin work together to begin breaking the food down into material the small intestine (where most nutrients are absorbed) can use. Enzymes specific to each of the three nutrient groups are released at this stage, further breaking down the food and contributing to the digestive and absorption processes. These processes continue into the large intestine until the food’s nutritional content is extracted by the body.

What are digestive enzymes?
Digestive enzymes are special catalytic proteins that help your body break down food to utilize the complete spectrum of nutrients in the food we eat. Unfortunately, food enzymes, which are sensitive to heat, are usually inactivated when food is cooked to serve. This leaves your body with the challenge of trying to break down foods for absorption into your system with no help from the natural enzymes that would otherwise be present in many of the foods we eat. While your body can break down foods with no help, it may put additional strain on your system. nutraMetrix Digestive Enzyme Formula with Probiotics acts to supplement and maximize the activity of the body’s own enzymes and the "friendly" bacteria our bodies need in an easy-to-take, pleasant-tasting drink.

Our lifestyles and diets are constantly changing. If the last 25 years are any indication, these changes are not usually for the best. Foods that would otherwise offer us their own added enzymes to help our bodies absorb more nutrients are increasingly processed, heated for extended shelf life and stripped of vital elements. The problem is that in making increasing numbers of foods "safe" for ingestion, we are in some cases making foods less healthy for our systems. This means our bodies now need to work harder to absorb the same nutritional content as it may have just a few years ago. nutraMetrix Digestive Enzyme Formula with Probiotics helps your body replenish all the essential enzymes and "good" bacteria necessary for maximum absorption of nutrients from the food we eat.

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